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Donkey Care

Donkey Care

* Donkeys require their feet trimming every 6 to 10 weeks by a qualified farrier.

* Just like horses, donkeys require their teeth to be checked at regular intervals by a qualified equine dentist or vet.


* Donkeys should be fed with good quality barley or wheat straw with small quantities of hay, haylage or grazing, plus a mineral supplement and Top SpecDonkey Forage Balancer/ Mollichaff Donkey Daily Complete.  Care must be taken to restrict grazing during the summer months when the grass is growing quickly, as donkeys are prone to laminitis and can quickly become very poorly. 




  (Hobo having his hooves trimmed by our farrier)  

  (Teddy having his yearly dental treatment)


* Donkeys must be part of a worming program. 

* Water must always be freely available.

* Donkeys are herd animals and as such, enjoy the company of other donkeys, often forming very strong bonds.

* All donkeys need to be checked at least twice daily basis to ensure that they are in good health.

* Donkeys do not have a waterproof coat and therefore do not enjoy being out in heavy rain for  long periods of time in cold weather.  



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